Friday, 11 February 2011

Bullying, Qualms and (Bi)curiosity.

Dear all,

Today I smelt disease in the air. I was told by Steffu i need to visit the vet. At first i was scared, but now I'm calm about it as i realised what it is all about. I came to a conclusion after studying Winston and his movements. Winston has that human disease called "ADHD", "AHDH" or maybe it is called "AIDS". I'm not quite sure what it is called, but i know Mr Vet will cure him and then it will put me at ease because i will no longer fear for my life around young whipersnapper Winston.

I also feel old once again. This is a feeling I constantly battle with. I feel ruminations throughout my body and usually just want to be left alone. My scratching pole and basket is an area of my room full of quintessence. However, over the past couple of weeks, and even when Squizzles was here, i became a target for bullying. I am bullied, unnecessarily and always by the younger. My problem is i am calm, and i only react if i am angry or threatened. I am also bi-curious at certain times of the day, but more often week.

Jeremy Kyle offers me much inspiration. I watch this spectacle and i feel like i am at the theatre. The grandiosity at times makes me feel like i am listening to Tchiakovsky's 1812 overture. Kyle's symphonic, to the point and his voice harks back to my own. I feel like him, i feel the power he embodies when i embrace Winston or think past battles with Captain Squizzles.

I also started work on a new poem, i often hear Steffu singing to me, whilst mummy listens. I don't know how she interprets his singing, but it makes me feel important and the centre of attention. He has a very British voice, it is not Scottish, it is more lazy and it is definitely foreign. I will detail the works of my poem below. I think this blog will end on a bang, not a whimper:-

"I don't believe in spaceships, I don't believe in stars
 I don't believe in planets, I don't believe in Mars...

But what i do believe in, I believe is true,
What i do believe in, I believe in you..."

To Mummy XxX

1 comment:

  1. This poem is beautiful. And very fittingly published around Valentine's day.
